A motherboard is the heart of the computer, it holds all the electrical components like a central processing unit and is the connection point for other relevant peripherals devices. A motherboard is a large system in itself and contains a large number of subsystems that help in the smooth working of a computer. The primary function of the motherboard is that it holds the major electronic components necessary for work.
The understanding of the motherboard and its functioning is essential to design your computer in the right way. By reading the article below you will know about the differences between different kinds of the motherboard and their uses. Google a reliable computer parts shop near me to the best setup for your needs.
AT Motherboard
An AT motherboard has a dimension of the order of some hundred millimeters. It is an old generation motherboard and makes it difficult to install new drivers on the motherboard. The old concept of six-pin plugs issued as well as a power connector is also present. The power connectors are hard to distinguish and thus lead many times for the users to damage the device. The motherboard was started to be used on Pentium 2 and lasted well till Pentium 5.
ATX Motherboard
ATX is called Advance technology Extended are motherboard produced by Intel in the 90s. They were the improved version of AT motherboards. They differ from AT in the way that the connectors are interchangeable. It is also smaller than AT with a proper place for driver bays. Good changes were made to the ATX motherboard. On the backport many additional sockets were provided for add-ons. You can check the recent express motherboard price in India to get one for yourself.
LPX Motherboard
They are low profile extension motherboard created after AT motherboards. The only significant difference between this motherboard and the previous one is about the input and the output ports. This concept of having different ports proved to be useful and was soon adopted by other motherboard technologies present that time as well. The use of a riser card was introduced but it posed a problem relating to airflow.
BTX Motherboard
BTX stands for Balanced Technology Extended which was developed to avoid issues with the latest technology. Newer technologies with high power release more heat and more power supply to work. The technology was proposed by Intel. They have distinct mounting points hence reducing the latency between the components. The need for a fan arose with these types of the motherboard which needed frequent cooling.